Completed Projects

You can find my projects on Github.

Border Wait Times

This is to help me when I travel to Tijuana, MX where I am from. The border between Tijuana and San Diego is one of the busiest in the world, so it is not uncommon to have long wait times to cross from Tijuana into San Diego.

The US Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) on it's website makes available estimates on the current wait time at all the lanes as well as information about how many of each type of lanes are open.

The way it is reported on their site, however, requires you to check different pages for different lanes as well as for different crossings, since there are two crossings between Tijuana and San Diego (at San Ysidro and Otay Mesa).

So, I coded a simple site to pull the information from the CBP's border wait times website to present all the information on a single page. You can see the full page here. You can also find the source code for the page on Github.

CR Translate Converter

As I noted in my about page I help for a fan translation project called CR Translate. As part of the translation work that CR Translate does, we need to import the English transcriptions of an episode into Google Sheets, and then we provide translation within the Google Sheet alongside the English transcript. Once the translation is done it needs to be exported to .srt format to be uploaded to YouTube.

At the start of the project, this was done manually. By the time I joined, they were using a script to create the final .srt file. I was asked to look at that script to develop something more automated. So I came up with a Python script that could take in the English transcription and create a .tsv file that could be imported into Google Sheets to start the translation. It also could take in a fully translated .tsv exported from Google Sheets that would create the final translated .srt to be uploaded. You can find the source code for that script here.

This worked, but was still not as automated as it could be. It would be more beneficial to use something that could directly read the Google Sheet. Luckily, that can be done via Google App Script, essentially Javascript, but with some APIs to access Google apps like Sheets. With that, I adapted my previous Python script to instead use Javascript and access the Google Sheet directly to import the English transcription and export the translated .srt (or .vtt, a newer format I added support for) from a new menu within the Google Sheet. You can see what that looks like in one of our Spanish sheets in this video.

Plex post-processing script

I run a Plex server at home which I mostly use to record over the air TV using an HDHomeRun tuner. The original idea for the script was just so that I could compress the recordings from the standard MPEG2 format to h.265 to save space. Luckily, Plex allows you to specify a script to run as soon as a recording has finished, so I wrapped the compression steps into a Bash script. As time went on though, I added more functionality to it, by removing commercials from recordings and embedding standard text subtitles into the video instead of closed captions that are normally drawn over the video.

You can find the source code for the script here.

Personal Website

This website is also one of my projects. I coded the entire website in HTML, CSS, and jQuery.

For the time being, I will keep the design of the website as is, but I do plan to continue working on it. My next order of business for the site is to create a mobile optimized version of my website.